Welcome to “Psalms My Lord Said,” a Lenten journey through the Psalms quoted in the Gospels. From now through Easter, we will be sharing devotionals written by a variety of pastors and scholars. This is an opportunity for us to dig deeply into our faith and pay attention to Scripture – and to Jesus – as we move towards Holy Week and Easter.
Our theme for this year’s devotional is “Psalms My Lord Said.” The Psalms are the prayerbook of the Bible. They have been read and sung and prayed by worshippers of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob for countless generations. And they were read and sung and prayed by Jesus, Himself. This devotion will look at the psalms that we see quoted in the Gospels. Some entries will focus merely on the psalm itself. Some will focus on the interplay between the context of its usage in the Gospel and the content of the psalm. Some will look at what this particular psalm reveals about the God who meets us in Christ. And through it all, we shall discover the love and grace of God that lead us to pray and sing: Praise the Lord! Praise God in his sanctuary; praise him in his mighty firmament! Praise him for his mighty deeds; praise him according to his surpassing greatness!
May you encounter God – and discover new riches of Scripture and faith – as we journey together with Jesus through the psalms.