First Week of Advent
You, LORD, are my lamp; the LORD turns my darkness into light.
2 Samuel 22:29
This verse from II Samuel is actually quoting Psalm 18 (Ps. 18:28), giving thanks for David’s deliverance from his enemies. But we get it too. Surely the Lord turns our darkness into light as well. That might be in terms of internal battles with personal demons. It might be a matter of trials or challenging situations in our lives and families. It certainly is true when we consider the condition of our world.
“…the Lord turns my darkness into light.” If you are reading this devotion you are already aware that today is the first day of our season of Advent, our season of preparing for the coming of the Lord in the Christ Mass – Christmas. The Lord turning darkness into light is not a bad definition of Advent. It is the divine breaking into our world, bringing hope, bringing life, bringing light. Consider the photo for this day’s devotion. We see one candle lit in the Advent Wreath. It is the first candle (the candle for today), the candle of hope. But if you look carefully you will notice that beside the candle is an open devotion booklet. The photo in that devotion portrays a scene of the Richmond skyline and the James River. The light of the candle is reflected in that photo of the city. That holy light is shining onto us. This is the truth of Advent, heaven comes to us.
Be attentive. Be open. Be quiet. Be hopeful.
The Lord turns my darkness into light. Come, Lord Jesus, come.
Larry Lenow