“O Come all ye faithful joyful and triumphant O come ye, O come ye to Bethlehem…. Sing, choirs of angels sing in exultation, O come ye, O come ye to Bethlehem.”
O Come All ye Faithful
The lyrics of this familiar Christmas hymn are an inspirational call to join together in worshiping our Lord. They are a summons to the journey to Bethlehem—to Christ within our hearts.
We have gathered this past year to worship in a different and ever-wondrous way. Surrounded by, and joined with, all of creation—chirping birds, curious chipmunks, and Trinity’s own congregational cat—we’ve had a foretaste, I think more than ever, of what it is to be united in worship and adoration, on earth as it is in heaven.
In my years of leading worship, the most meaningful and memorable moments have been those when a gathered people sing out together, each voice merging with the next, until there is one. Sometimes, I can almost hear the citizens of heaven above, that great cloud of witnesses, singing along. That’s what it means to me to hear a choir of angels sing. This hymn bids, “Sing, choirs of angels! Sing in exultation!” The word exult means to leap up, to rejoice exceedingly. If ever there is a reason to sing in exultation it is to worship and adore the Christ, Emmanuel—God with us.
As we continue through these last few days of Advent and on through the Christmas season, may our hearts and our voices be lifted in exultation at the expectation and presence of Christ the Lord.
Brandy Miller