On Saturday, March 11 Boy Scout Troop 799 held its 22nd annual yard sale! We had approximately 50 people come out to help for this event. Our profit was over $5900.00! To quote our long time leader and member of Trinity UMC please read below what Tim Goodman has to say about the yard sale and the benefits!
“We made the money, but there was another benefit for some of our adult leadership: the number if 799 Scouts and parents of other alums who came by to visit, to buy, to reminisce, and to report of their sons’ activities. They came because the 799 scouting experience had lasting value for their families. I urge those of our troop who opted out of this year’s sale make sure they join in somehow next year. The troop and its values will not survive without continuing financial support, but also continuing social and emotional (caring) support of our constituency.”