The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of deep darkness a light has dawned.
Isaiah 9:2
Have you ever been stuck in the dark? I have.
Jamie and I spent our honeymoon touring Italy. One of the places we visited was the medieval hilltop village of Orvieto. It had been raining all day when we arrived at our destination that night, and we were soaking wet. The place where we stayed was a large old convent converted into an inn. When we got in our room, one of us (no names mentioned here) plugged in a hairdryer to dry off. When the hairdryer was started it knocked out the electricity throughout the entire complex. It left us alone, wet, nervous, and completely in the dark.
Being stuck in the dark brings us back to our verse from Isaiah. The “people” Isaiah is referring to are not only the Israelites of his time but also all of us today. Any of us at any time can find ourselves stuck in the dark. This darkness is a life of frustration, mistakes, ignorance and unbelief. The only thing that can dispel this darkness is light, more specially the Light of Jesus Christ. Isaiah goes on to describe the Light as Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father and Prince of Peace. At Christmas we celebrate the Light coming into the world. The good news is this Light is for us all.
May the Light of Christ fill your hearts this Christmas and all year long.
Bill Eubank