Each July Trinity’s UMW Circles take turns hosting a coffee at the Hermitage on Westwood Avenue.

On July 19 Circles 5 & 6 participated bringing 100 bags of cookies, cheese straws, and brownies for purchase ($.25 per bag) by the residents and staff, along with a pound cake and angel food cake, lemonade, and coffee to share with our guests. Friendly visiting is the main purpose.


A Hermitage resident with her new lap quilt.

Marble Jones and Nancy Miller are Trinity’s Hermitage Guild representatives and Mary Deal organizes the monthly coffees for the home. The ministry of presence with our seniors is important. We visited with Lee Childress who once headed Meals on Wheels. We also distributed three lap quilts for residents).

Thanks to all who backed goodies for this event. Louise Girvin of the Circle Leadership Team said: “It was a delightful event and so appreciated by all the residents who attended! It was a huge success!”
To learn more about Trinity’s UMW Circles, please visit our UMW page.