

All are welcome at Trinity

Welcome to Trinity

We welcome you with warm and joyful hearts to experience worship and ministries at Trinity.
As followers of Jesus Christ, we strive to be Christ-like to the world and build a community of love. We do this by connecting with God, growing in our faith, and serving others through mission work. No matter where you are coming from, you’ll find a place where you belong here at Trinity.

We believe that there is a place for everyone here at Trinity. Wherever you are in your journey of life or faith, Trinity will always be a welcoming place for you to feel loved, encouraged, and empowered to live an abundant life we are called into by Jesus. A place at the table with Jesus is always set for you, and we will continue to create a safe place for you to explore who Jesus is or for you to dive deeper into a relationship with him.

Please stop by the Welcome Center – before or after the worship service – and engage with church members to have your questions answered. May God continue to bless you on the journey of faith.

About Us

Trinity is Richmond’s oldest United Methodist Church (founded in 1790) but we are also a church that is vibrant, alive and new.
Located in Richmond’s West End we gather and worship each Sunday in two unique worship services. We learn and grow in scores of classes and small groups. We are young and old, newcomers and life-long members, very traditional and very modern in our worship styles; but what we all have in common and what binds us together as a community of faith is the living gospel of Jesus Christ. We are a church committed to mission both here in Metro Richmond and around the world as we strive to bear the face of Christ to the world. We invite you make the journey of faith with us. Welcome To Trinity!

We are here to journey together.

Welcome to Trinity

All are welcome here

Sunday Worship Schedule

  9:00 AM  - In-Person Modern Worship (Sanctuary) & Livestream Worship

10:00 AM  - Discipleship Hour

11:00 AM  - In-Person Traditional Worship (Sanctuary) & Livestream Worship

Find check-in form, giving link, next steps, announcements, downloadable bulletin, and more in The Hub!