From young adults to our seniors, we strive to provide ways to connect with God and strengthen our faith in community with one another!
Zoom Gatherings
Many of our Adult Small Groups and classes are holding their meetings via ZOOM at this time. You can check out our small group and Study Options on our Online Opportunities page. For more information you may contact Judy Oguich.
Serve Your Neighbors
We care for our neighbors! There are many ways adults can help care for our community! We hold a food drive every Friday and our Stitchers are hard at work making masks and prayer squares. How will you use your talents to serve? We can even create something new to use them!
Trinity Church Chatter
We’ve created a Facebook Group to help facilitate conversation and ‘togetherness’ during these weird times.
We post a *very important* question (that isn’t really important at all but is fun and lighthearted!) each week and offer prayers and care for one another.