Advent Jubilee (Sunday Evenings, 5 – 7 pm)
Our Advent Jubilee will feature 4 weeks of being together for a meal and activities, all beginning at 5pm. All activities are family-friendly and we encourage you to bring friends and neighbors with you as well.
- Week 1, November 27: “Create and Celebrate” returns for one night only with family-friendly Christmas crafts. A scaled-down version of the craft-filled craziness we so fondly remember. This meal will be provided and a love offering for the food will be received. Let’s celebrate together! So we can properly plan supplies, please register here!
- Week 2, December 4 “Mission Madness” gives us the opportunity to meet and interact with the wide variety of mission organizations and projects that Trinity supports. See what your generosity does and how you may be able to engage even further in the future. This meal will be provided. Please come and discover mission together. So that we can be good stewards as we prepare the dinner, please sign up!
- Week 3, December 11 “Double Take”: A Christmas Pageant as told by Matthew AND Luke. This is a humorous telling of both of the birth narratives found in Scripture. Hear the stories as told and performed by our own Trinity members. We will have our meal via covered-dish, so bring something to share and we will enjoy together. If you want to participate, please sign up here!
- Week 4, December 18 “Christmas Carol Karaoke” will give you and your friends the chance to be the stars of the show as we sing our favorite Christmas songs together. A fun evening for everyone to get us in just the right mood for Christmas! This last week will also be by covered-dish, so bring your favorite to share as we celebrate at table before singing.