We wanted you to know that the Trinity Stitchers are busy making cloth masks for factory workers in Hopewell. The call went out Monday afternoon from Louise Girvin: “Our son, Andy, is plant manager for a large industrial plant in Hopewell. His plant is considered “essential” since they supply the material that goes into fertilizer used by farmers. One of his biggest concerns right now is keeping his workers healthy — and keeping the plant running. A huge task! His workers wear masks when operating the machinery. As you know, all masks (of the type he normally uses) are being diverted to the healthcare industry. Hence, he is running short of the disposable masks and needs to consider alternatives. One is to make reusable masks;
hence, my involvement (since I’m the only one in the family who knows how to use a sewing machine!). Once he gets all his “ducks in a row,” he would like 50-100 masks (with perhaps more later). I need more hands than just mine to get them made in the short amount of time he’s looking at.” And the Stitchers are responding! Want to help? Contact Louise Girvin or Janet Hill.
Here’s a picture of all the masks (145 and counting) Stitchers made in little more than three days. We delivered them to our son, Andy, tonight and he was thrilled. Plans to distribute them to his workers tomorrow. It was heartwarming to have Stitchers embrace this project so enthusiastically. God was truly working with us through this project as materials we needed would miraculously show up just when we needed them!