On Sunday, January 17 Brad Booker announced the launch of our 2021 Stewardship Campaign, “Arise, Shine.” The theme references Isaiah 60:1. This prophetic proclamation assured the returning exiles of Judah that God was indeed with them. Though the work ahead of them to restore the people, rebuild Jerusalem and the Temple of the Lord, was daunting, God promises to lead them. 2021 is indeed a year of return and restoration at Trinity as we finally see light “at the end of the tunnel” as vaccines promise an end to pandemic. Of course, we do not yet know all the details and answers, but we have hope and faith. Even now, plans and preparations are being made. We know that when in-person worship is resumed and programs and ministries relaunched the work will be daunting. We will hit the ground running. There is so much to do. There is so much need.
Our Trinity church family is asked to continue your faithful financial support of our common ministry. Your giving is critical, enabling all that we do. By participating in the campaign and making a promise you allow the church leadership to responsibly plan and to be good stewards.
Promise Sunday is February 14. Thank you in advance for your faithfulness and commitment to Trinity and our service to Christ together.