Creating Moments of JOY

Creating Moments of JOY

Creating Moments of JOY
by Jolene Brackey

Jolene Brackey has a vision: that we will soon look beyond the challenges of Alzheimer’s disease to focus more of our energies on creating moments of joy.

When people have short-term memory loss, their lives are made up of moments.
We are not able to create perfectly wonderful days for people with dementia or Alzheimer’s, but we can create perfectly wonderful moments, moments that put a smile on their faces and a twinkle in their eyes. Five minutes later, they will not remember what we did or said, but the feeling that we left them with will linger.

The new edition of Creating Moments of Joy is filled with more practical advice sprinkled with hope, encouragement, new stories, and generous helpings of humor.

In this volume, Brackey reveals that our greatest teacher is having cared for and loved someone with Alzheimer’s and that often what we have most to learn about is ourselves.

This is a wonderful resource for anyone caring for someone with Alzheimer’s. We have been gifted several copies for use by our members. Please see Judy Oguich if you would like a copy.

Spring Fest 2022

We had a blast at Spring Fest!  Church families, preschool families, and neighborhood families ushered in spring (despite the cold temperatures) with inflatables, the petting zoo, gaga ball, great music, and delicious food! 

A special thank you to all who volunteered at this event!

Learn more about Trinity Kids

Lenten Easter Mission Offering

Lenten Easter Mission Offering

April is here. April is hope. April nudges us away from the madness of March. That tussle between a departing winter and restless spring are on the horizon. This means, we inch further into Lent. Easter is closing in, and the annual Lenten Easter Mission Offering is hoping for your support.

For many years, the generous hearts of the Trinity congregation have financially sustained LEMO. These acts of financial kindness have supported nonprofits in our city, state, country, and world.

This scripture from John 14:27: “Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid,” make me think about the people in our community. For lots of different reasons, we know there are troubled and fearful hearts all around us.

Donating to LEMO can help reduce the stress experienced by troubled and fearful hearts.

We hope you will prayerfully consider donating.

When you do, it’s a win for two hearts—the giver and the receiver.

GIVE to the Lenten Easter Mission Offering

Give to the Lenten Easter Mission Offering via our GIVE page. Be sure to select the LEMO from the dropdown menu!

Apply for a LEMO Grant

Apply for a Lenten Easter Mission Offering Grant. Applications are due June 12.

Prayers of the Heart 

If you are unfamiliar with the Psalms, or just curious, or interested in deepening your prayer experience, join us for a twelve-week study of the Psalms. We will be using the book, Prayers of the Heart by Eugene Peterson. As the author notes, the Psalms are poetry and prayer – tools not “for doing or getting, but for being and becoming.” Because the use of Psalms has “shrunk in our time to a mere remnant,” Eugene Peterson writes to help us recover them as indispensable tools for sharpening and exposing “the experience of being human before God.” Join us on Sundays in room 317 from 10-11 AM beginning March 27. If you have questions, contact Elizabeth Dwyer at

Introducing Rev. Brian Siegle

Introducing Rev. Brian Siegle

Rev. Brian Siegle

On Sunday, our SPRC announced that the Rev. Brian Siegle has been projected by the cabinet and Bishop of the Virginia Conference to be Trinity’s Senior Pastor beginning in July. We asked him to introduce himself to Trinity and here’s what he writes:

“I am a preacher’s kid that didn’t want to be a pastor. But God’s plans are not always ours, and are always better! I am married to my wife, Holly, for 26 years. We met while students at Virginia Tech. I majored in Electrical Engineering and Holly in Human Nutrition and Foods. I received my Master of Divinity from Wesley Theological Seminary, in Washington DC.

We have two wonderfully talented daughters. Lee is a graduate of UVA with a degree in global public health and lives in New Zealand working as a project manager improving substandard housing. Anna is in her third year at George Mason majoring in conservation and sustainability studies with a minor in nonprofit studies. We also have two dogs and three cats who keep us entertained.

I have been in ministry since 2002 when we came back to Virginia from South Carolina where Holly and I both worked on Kiawah Island. I have served 4 appointments in those 20 years, the most recent being at South Hill United Methodist Church for the last 7. Holly currently works as a unit secretary at a VCUHS-affiliated extended care facility. I served for many years on the Conference Board of Communications and the Annual Conference Planning Committee. I currently hold the conference position of Technology Director for the Annual Conference Session.

In a nutshell, I would say that my ministry passion is bringing together worship, preaching, teaching, and mission; making our faith our own, so that we can share it more genuinely and effectively with the world around us. This involves questioning, studying, and working together, all through the power and grace of God’s love.

I am a technology nerd: I tinker. I love sci-fi. I sing, play the string bass and guitar, and have occasionally shown up on a theatrical stage.

We are excited about being close to… everything!”

Pastor Brian will begin at Trinity in July. We look forward to welcoming and being in ministry with the Siegle family!

Bellemeade Outdoor Learning Campus Tour

Bellemeade Outdoor Learning Campus Tour

On Tuesday, April 19 from 10:30 AM to 12:00 PM Bob Argabright will conduct a tour of the Bellemeade Outdoor Learning campus at 1800 Krouse Street. The campus has been a labor of love to support outdoor activities and literacy in the community. Bob will talk about this campus and his 18-year ministry in Bellemeade.

The bus leaves Trinity at 10 – call Jo Lewis at 804-921-5610 to reserve your seat.
Take the bus or meet us there, all are invited!

Photo from