This Year’s Lessons and Carols Will be Live and In Person!
Trinity’s 2021 Lessons & Carols Service was held in person and online on December 19. We’ve posted the video below for those who want to watch it (or watch it again!).
Our 2020 virtual Lessons and Carols service was streamed on December 20 at 4:00 PM .
The Trinity Healthy Church Team (“HCT”) thanks everyone for their comments and interest in our Listening Sessions on November 7. Since those sessions, the HCT has met twice, exchanged numerous emails, and has considered specific proposals from certain groups (which have been approved), the comments from the listening sessions, and other written comments it has received. The HCT has also received feedback from Church Council on its decisions and their basis.
The HCT continues (for now) to follow CDC and state guidelines for the COVID protocols at Trinity. Those guidelines require all individuals to wear masks indoors regardless of vaccination status if the transmission rate is above “moderate.” Currently, the transmission rate in Henrico County is above “moderate”, which is why our current policy requires masks indoors at Trinity regardless of vaccination status.
The HCT understood from the listening sessions and through subsequent feedback that many members of our congregation are anxious to loosen our COVID protocols. It also heard from other members of our congregation who appreciate the safety and assurance provided by the current protocols. During our meetings, we have been trying to balance those interests while discerning God’s will. The HCT has prepared a survey, which it hopes will provide additional data and viewpoints on Trinity’s COVID protocols.
Following the listening sessions, the HCT has decided to loosen some of its COVID protocols, particularly for adult small groups. A full list of the changes is below. Given the potential for a holiday surge in COVID transmission and our continued open-door policy for all, the HCT decided the Advent season was not the time to deviate from the CDC guidelines for larger indoor gatherings, such as worship services.
The Trinity HCT will continue to monitor relevant information, review survey results, and potentially review and revise these policies.
COVID Protocols (Effective November 24, 2021)
While the CDC risk of COVID transmission in Henrico County remains above “Moderate,” masks remain required indoors at Trinity for all.
The following exceptions to this requirement have been approved (although wearing masks in all circumstances is still strongly recommended):
Small adult groups (with under 30 members) meeting indoors in Trinity classrooms can remove masks and share food, if it is the consensus of a group. This exception does not apply to kid’s ministry or student ministry activities.
Worship leaders who submit proof of vaccination to the Church Office can remove their mask while speaking or singing. No testing is required.
Trinity staff can remove their masks if working alone in a confined space.
The Healthy Church Team (HCT) announces the following updates to Trinity’s existing covid-19 policies:
Worship leaders (Preachers, readers, one soloist) may lead their part in worship without masks with the conditions that they, 1) Provide proof of vaccination and 2) Take a church-provided rapid covid-19 test on the day of their worship leadership. (Any worship leader who chooses not to do so can still lead masked.)
The Healthy Church Team will hold “Listening Sessions” at 10:00 AM and 12:00 PM on Sunday, Nov. 7 to answer questions and listen to your thoughts. These sessions will be held in Trinity Hall. These sessions will not be livestreamed but notes will be taken and available to the congregation later that week.
Any group that wishes to hold an event and that has questions or ideas about COVID-19 restrictions is welcome to submit questions and/or proposals to the HCT at any time. Such proposals should outline risks and the means by which such risks would be mitigated. The Healthy Church Team meets monthly.
It is the hope and expectation of the HCT that the covid-19 landscape will be improving. If this optimism is borne out we anticipate many more changes in the coming months.
Trinity’s Healthy Church Team
Corey Booker, Church Council Chair Jim Crowder, Trustees Chair Alice Hirata, M.D. Hung Su Lim Larry Lenow Mike McCullough Sheila Pedigo, Pharmacist, VCU Bill Pike, Dir. of Operations
Trinity will hold the Blue Christmas Service on December 7 at 6:00 PM in the chapel.
This service is designed for those who have struggled with the death of a loved one, faced life after divorce or separation, coped with the loss of a job, living with cancer or some other disease.
This service will be reflective, accepting where we are, and holding out healing and hope. We join together to acknowledge what we have lost and to remember Jesus’ promise, “Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted” in this time of challenges. All are welcome!
This service will be recorded and uploaded to watch later.
We appreciate members from our congregation who were able to participate in Giving Back To The Community. Additionally, we thank the local nonprofits who opened their doors and their grounds to our volunteers early in November. Those sites where our volunteers were able to work really made a difference with the tasks they completed. Leaders for the nonprofits graciously thanked our volunteers for their time and effort.
On Thursday, November 4, Friday, November 5, and Saturday, November 6, our congregation had the opportunity to give time and physical support to nonprofits and churches in the Richmond area. The time frame each day was from 9 AM until 12 NOON.