Note Writing Project

Note Writing Project

The Tuckahoe YMCA has been quietly working during the pandemic to help our community. Staff from the Tuckahoe YMCA and community partners are looking for volunteers to assist with writing thank you notes to all teachers and staff members who work in two local elementary schools and one middle school. The notecards and talking points to convey in each note will be provided. If your circle, Sunday school class, or small group has an interest in assisting with this project, please contact Bill Pike via email:

Chromebooks for Connection

Chromebooks for Connection

An update from our French-Swahili congregation

Over the last year, many of you have asked about our French-Swahili congregation. As you might have guessed, the pandemic had an impact on them too. 

A couple of families lost loved ones to assorted health issues in their home country. Also, for some of the congregation in Richmond, the pandemic impacted employment, education, and housing.

Luckily, those disruptions in Richmond were countered by your generosity. Your financial donations have allowed us to assist our French-Swahili families in their times of economic stress.

But also, like you, they have not been able to worship in person, and this has created an extra level of stress for a close-knit community. Working with some special funding, the church was able to purchase and donate 13 Lenovo Chromebook computers to help these families.

On the afternoon of Tuesday, March 16, their congregational leader, Vianney Kayimbula, stopped by the church to pick up the Chromebooks for distribution. As soon as Vianney walked into the church office corridor, he said with lots of emotion, “Oh, how I miss my church.”

So do we Vianney. 

The Chromebooks will enhance their opportunities to connect with each other, help to restart their worship and prayer meetings, and assist with learning the English language.

We want to thank everyone who has helped with financial donations during the last year for our French-Swahili families. You have made a real difference for them during the pandemic.

Stockings from Stitchers

Stockings from Stitchers

Our Trinity Stitchers are at it again! This time they delivered 24 handmade stockings filled with goodies to the Hermitage in Richmond. The stockings included Chex mix, a small cake, tissues, candy, toothpaste, toothbrush, socks, an Advent book, crackers, and an elf.

Thanks for your ministry, Trinity Stitchers!

All God’s Children Camp Needs

All God’s Children Camp Needs

Although All God’s Children Camp will be canceled this summer, we will be reaching out and ministering with our camp families by sending resources and care packages. If you would like to get involved check out the list below.  

Care Package List: All packages are due by June 1

  • Jump rope
  • Hand size nerf ball of your choice
  • Sidewalk chalk
  • Crayons
  • Activity paper/construction paper
  • Kids puzzle book/workbook/coloring books
  • Individual size snacks of your choice-no chocolate candy or peanuts 
  • $25.00 grocery gift card

You or a group of people can put together one or more care packages for our All God’s Children Camp campers. You may also send monetary donations to the address below to help support this ministry. If you live in the Richmond area, contact Lori Smith at to make arrangements for delivery. If you live outside the Richmond area, please mail care packages to:

Virginia United Methodist Conference Center
All God’s Children Camp
10330 Staples Mill Rd.
Glen Allen, VA 23060

Earth Day

Earth Day

Earth Day – April 22
Trinity’s Creation Care Committee invites you to get involved in taking care of God’s Earth.
What we eat, where it comes from and how it is produced contribute to our ‘foodprint’ – our food’s impact on the environment. Even simple changes can lead to big results if we all work together.

  1. Fight climate change with diet change
  2. Try participating in meatless Mondays
  3. Use fresh produce and more plant-based recipes
  4. Rely less on processed ingredients
  5. Buy local food  
  6. Reduce the distance from farm to fork
  7. Frequent your local farmers’ market
  8. Join a local food co-op 
  9. Try growing your own
  10. Plant some herbs in a pot on your deck
  11. Grow a tomato plant
  12. Try an  organic garden !
  13. Fight food waste
  14. Buy only what’s needed
  15. Pay attention to ‘use by’ dates when choosing which ingredients to use today
    from your pantry or fridge
  16. Try composting!

Calculate your ‘foodprint’ at
Raise your awareness of Earth Day issues and find more tips at

Pastor’s Corner June

Pastor’s Corner June

computer on table with note that says update

Finally!  Trinity is fully re-opening!  Throughout this pandemic, we have been guided by our faith.  As the people of Jesus Christ, our commitment has been to love our neighbor by protecting our congregation and the community by limiting spread of COVID-19.  We have followed the guidance of the CDC and the Office of the Governor on these matters.  This continues to be our guide.  The Conference has relaxed restrictions and empowered each church to make appropriate decisions as long as we abide by the Governor’s Executive Order 79, effective May 28, 2021.  Our Trinity plan has been reviewed and approved by Dr. Hyo Lee, our District Superintendent.  (He also asked if he could share our plan with other churches as a template.)

Here is the information you need to know:

Changes beginning on June 6:


We will adopt a Summer Schedule for Sunday mornings starting Sunday, June 6

9:00 AM         Outdoor Worship (How long this service remains outdoors remains to be determined)

10:00 AM       Discipleship Hour (Sunday school for all ages, indoor and outdoor)

11:00 AM       Indoor Worship

Outdoors:  All restrictions have ended.  You longer need to register for the service.  You may sit where you wish.  Masks are not required for anyone outdoors.

Indoors:  You may sit where you wish in the sanctuary (except the balcony, see below).  Singing without masks is allowed.

For fully vaccinated persons:  Restrictions are lifted.  Masks are not needed.

For people not fully vaccinated:  We respectfully request that you wear a mask indoors.  This is on an “honor system” with no registration or monitoring involved.

For those who may be uncomfortable with these changes:

  • Livestream worship will continue at 11:00 AM
  • The Outdoor service is a wonderful alternative.
  • The sanctuary balcony will be limited to those (vaccinated or unvaccinated) who agree to remain masked, who prefer to sit only among others who are masked and agree to reasonable (3ft. is the CDC standard) social distancing.  Anyone may simply go and sit in the balcony at will, but these restrictions need to be observed.


Small Groups maymeet throughout the week. Groups will self-monitor as they see fit.

Students 12 years and older are regarded the same as other adults.

Kids 5-11 years, should be masked indoors.  Masks are not needed outdoors. 


Weekday Preschool resumes in the Fall (normal schedule, Preschool has operated throughout pandemic and will continue to do so under VDH guidelines.)

We are well on our way to a new normal.  Our schedule may change due to weather or needs.  We pray that the virus will continue to recede and that we put this behind us.  If there is a resurgence or the rise of more disturbing variants, we will adapt.  We are, as we have always been, in God’s hands.  Let us move forward in unshakable faith.

Trinity’s PRG – Post-Covid Re-Entry Team – (formally called the Healthy Church Team)

Alice Hirata, M.D.
Corey Booker, Church Council Chair
Jim Crowder, Trustees
Mike McCullough, J.D.
Bill Pike
Hung Su Lim
Larry Lenow