Trinity invites you to “Share the Love” at a drive-thru event on March 14. The season of Lent calls us to a time of self-examination and repentance as we remember what God has done for us, who we are, and what we are called to do. Share the Love will reflect the willingness of our hearts to share the message of Love – God’s Love.
Thanks to all who participated in the Share the Love event!
This creative and contactless way of engagement will be a time of fellowship and joy in response to the many missed personal experiences resulting from the pandemic. The format of the Share the Love event is similar to drive-up communion. Cars should enter through Rock Creek Rd entrance and exit via Stuart Hall Rd. There will be stations along the drive near the Welcome Center:
Get: Bunch of love goodie bags (Station 1)
Give: Canned goods drop off (Station 2)
Give/Get: Share the Love Cards* (Station 3)
Get: Blessing by the pastors (Station 4)
*Share The Love Card:
Each family is encouraged to write one generic note to another Trinity individual/couple/family. Bring the note with you to drop off and we will give to the family behind you in line.
Writing prompt: Describe a way you have shared Love with others and/or how others have shared Love with you and your family through the pandemic. Feel free to add a prayer request or share an inspirational Bible verse or quote that has helped you through the past year. Sign the card with the names of those in your family/household. Include contact information if you would like the opportunity to receive communication from the recipient.If you are a family with children, we would love for kids to draw/color a picture to include with the family note.
As you give your note to another family, you in turn will receive the note left from the car before you.
We are looking forward to sharing the love with our Trinity family! Hope to see you there.
Lent is a season of 40 days (not counting Sundays) leading up to Easter. It’s a time when Christians take time to grow in faith, pay more attention to God, and get ourselves ready to tell the sacred story of the death and resurrection of Jesus. In order to help us reflect on the story of Jesus in a new way this Lent, we are offering a different kind of Lenten devotional.
Throughout the season of Lent (beginning on February 17 and going through April 4), we will send you reflections written by a pastor or Christian scholar including one by our own Pastor Hung Su as well as Rev. Dr. Joe Lenow (Pastor Larry’s son). The theme this year is “Images of Jesus in the Old Testament.” Each devotional will highlight a place in the Old Testament that serves as a “teaser” for Jesus.
Each entry will focus on a story or image from the Old Testament. Stories like God protecting his faithful servants in the fiery furnace or providing manna in the desert; images like the suffering servant from Isaiah or the Paschal Lamb from the Exodus. These devotionals are being shared at churches across Virginia and beyond. (Devotions will come a few times a week during the season of Lent.)
If you’re interested in receiving these devotionals you can sign up to receive them by TEXT or by EMAIL.
The 2021 Lenten Devotional will begin on Ash Wednesday, February 17 and then will be sent each Monday and Friday during the season of Lent. There will also be a devotional entry for each day of Holy Week.
We want to invite our guests to join a time of fellowship as we welcome them to Trinity. We’ll gather to get to know each other and share ways to get connected at Trinity. Please come and enjoy fellowship.
When: Sunday, November 20 at 10:15-45 AM Where: Parlor What: Coffee, donuts, and fellowship time
On Sunday, January 17 Brad Booker announced the launch of our 2021 Stewardship Campaign, “Arise, Shine.” The theme references Isaiah 60:1. This prophetic proclamation assured the returning exiles of Judah that God was indeed with them. Though the work ahead of them to restore the people, rebuild Jerusalem and the Temple of the Lord, was daunting, God promises to lead them. 2021 is indeed a year of return and restoration at Trinity as we finally see light “at the end of the tunnel” as vaccines promise an end to pandemic. Of course, we do not yet know all the details and answers, but we have hope and faith. Even now, plans and preparations are being made. We know that when in-person worship is resumed and programs and ministries relaunched the work will be daunting. We will hit the ground running. There is so much to do. There is so much need.
Our Trinity church family is asked to continue your faithful financial support of our common ministry. Your giving is critical, enabling all that we do. By participating in the campaign and making a promise you allow the church leadership to responsibly plan and to be good stewards. Promise Sunday is February 14. Thank you in advance for your faithfulness and commitment to Trinity and our service to Christ together.
Trinity: YOU DID IT! Together we raised $21,195 to help feed our hungry neighbors. THANK YOU to all who donated to the Samson Project!!
Pastor Larry has kept his part of the deal and his hair has been cut! Tune in to Sunday’s worship service for the big reveal.
How Much Have We Raised?
Here’s a running total for the Samson Project. We will update it weekly!
Why the Samson Project?
Listen in on a Zoom call where the Samson Project is born!
We continue to hear from our partners at Sherbourne and Welborne and Belmont that MANY people in Richmond are hungry. As the pandemic rages on we at Trinity want to do something about that. Enter the Samson Project.
We want to have a little fun and raise a lot of money this winter.
Pastor Larry, who hasn’t had a haircut since March 2020, has challenged the congregation to raise money to support our food pantry partners. And, to make things fun and give us something ridiculous to work with, he’s declared he will not get a haircut until this money is raised. He’s even agreed to do the whole thing with electric clippers if we reach the awesomely audacious goal of $20,000.