Unfortunately, our summer mission trip was cancelled because of illness. We plan on doing it again, so stay tuned!
For our 2023 summer mission trip, we’re heading to Hinton Rural Life Center, in Hayesville, NC. This is a multi-generational trip designed to include our students as well as families and individuals who want to come along.
Hinton is a retreat center, but also a mission agency, with year-round opportunities for individual volunteers and mission teams to work with us and “alongside” our neighbors in Safe and Healthy Home Repair ministry. Other service options include our firewood ministry and Ervin Sanctuary Gardens & Trails. With its outreach focus, Hinton seeks to enhance the long-term quality of life in our rural area. And, Hinton guests “pay it forward,” as our lodging revenues help support our community outreach programs.
Hinton is a United Methodist agency, and we welcome all — all individuals, all faith traditions, and non-faith-based groups seeking to meet, retreat, and serve in a spirit of acceptance and mutual respect. We invite you to experience Hinton Center hospitality and to become a part of our community through your stay and/or service.
Celebrate Christ’s birth at Trinity. We will have four in-person worship services on Saturday, December 24, for you and your family. We also will livestream our 6:00 and 8:00 PM services for our online congregation.
On Christmas day, December 25, our service will be a combined service at 10:00 AM, featuring a time of favorite carol singing. Please click to learn more.
4:00 PM Family Service with Kids’ Interative (and unrehearsed) Christmas Pageant
We are so excited to share with you a reimagined Christmas pageant that focuses on telling the Christmas story. We sing our favorite Christmas carols! The pageant will take place during the 4 PM Christmas Eve Family Service in the sanctuary.
All are welcome at this service. It is designed to help families worship together and experience the magic of Christmas in a shorter, kid-friendly environment.
During our 6:00 Christmas Eve service, we will sing carols led by our modern worship band, share communion, and celebrate the joy and peace Christ brings. Our service will culminate in a traditional candlelight vigil, as we sing “Silent Night.”
We hope you and your family will join us for this most meaningful celebration! Communion will be served as part of this service.
A traditional Candlelight Communion service with full choir and organ. We will sing carols and share communion, and celebrate the joy and peace Christ brings. Communion will be served as part of this service.
Come experience Christmas together.
11:00 PM Contemplative Service
A traditional Christmas Eve worship service with a more reflective feel. A more intimate traditional service with carols, communion, and candlelighting. This service features music highlighting piano and classical guitar.
10:00 AM Christmas Morning
A combined worship service featuring singing (your favorite) Christmas Carols. There will be no Discipleship Hour planned this Sunday.
Thank you for signing up for Trinity’s Angel Tree! Please return all gifts to the Welcome Center on Sunday, December 18 between 9 am-noon. When you return your gifts please follow these instructions:
Have two wrapped gifts (either clothing or toys) for your child.
Place tags on the gifts with the child’s first name (Note, do not write anything on the FROM portion of the tag.)
Place your two gifts in a trash bag and label the bag with your child’s family number, first name, and type of gifts (toys or clothing).
Return the gifts on Sunday, December 18 between 9 am – noon. If you are unable to return the gifts at this time please email Hilary to make other arrangements.
Our Advent Jubilee will feature 4 weeks of being together for a meal and activities, all beginning at 5pm. All activities are family-friendly and we encourage you to bring friends and neighbors with you as well.
Week 1, November 27: “Create and Celebrate” returns for one night only with family-friendly Christmas crafts. A scaled-down version of the craft-filled craziness we so fondly remember. This meal will be provided and a love offering for the food will be received. Let’s celebrate together! So we can properly plan supplies, please register here!
Week 2, December 4 “Mission Madness” gives us the opportunity to meet and interact with the wide variety of mission organizations and projects that Trinity supports. See what your generosity does and how you may be able to engage even further in the future. This meal will be provided. Please come and discover mission together. So that we can be good stewards as we prepare the dinner, please sign up!
Week 3, December 11 “Double Take”: A Christmas Pageant as told by Matthew AND Luke. This is a humorous telling of both of the birth narratives found in Scripture. Hear the stories as told and performed by our own Trinity members. We will have our meal via covered-dish, so bring something to share and we will enjoy together. If you want to participate, please sign up here!
Week 4, December 18 “Christmas Carol Karaoke” will give you and your friends the chance to be the stars of the show as we sing our favorite Christmas songs together. A fun evening for everyone to get us in just the right mood for Christmas! This last week will also be by covered-dish, so bring your favorite to share as we celebrate at table before singing.
Advent is a time when we choose to honor and/or memorialize loved ones by listing their names in the bulletin during the Christmas season.
The cost to have a tribute “in honor of” or “in memory of” listed in the bulletins at Christmas is $20.
The funds received will be used to offset the cost of flowers used to decorate the sanctuary and foyers for the Christmas season. Monies received above the cost of the flowers will be donated to Missions at Trinity.
The deadline for receiving your contribution is Monday, December 12.