This fall the Dillard Bible Study Group will be discussing Israel: Mission Impossible, Part One by Dr. James P. McCullough, Jr. A study in three parts of the early history of Israel and the Prophets, the divided kingdom and Jeremiah. Starting September 12 we will meet on Monday at 7 PM via Zoom. Contact Dianne Moore for more information.
Transit is designed for kids in 4th and 5th grades, and takes place at the church from 5-6:30pm. A typical evening includes dinner, games, activities and a short devotion. Transit’s goal is to provide a place for kids in this age group to connect with their peers and begin building important friendships that will help them transition into middle school and our student ministry at Trinity.
Scheduled dates:
February 4
February 18
February 25
March 3
March 10
March 24
To sign up for Transit, please register here. Friends are welcome and encouraged to attend as well.
On Sunday, September 5, Pastor Larry asked us all to “Just Do It” in his sermon on James 2:1-17. You can find the worship service below– use the chapter markers to jump directly to the Scripture (the first dot) and sermon (second dot)!
Below the service video, you will find links to some ways you can take action.
What is it? New Shoes for Back to School is a ministry providing new shoes to K-12 Title 1 schoolchildren in underserved communities in the metro Richmond area.
Who does it? Trinity participates along with 10 other churches and one synagogue.
What’s needed? Each church is responsible for providing 50 pairs of shoes to three schools for a total of 150 shoes. This year all of Trinity’s schools are elementary: Montrose, Bensley and Dumbarton.
Call to action:
Please consider donating a pair of new shoes to this ministry. Sizes needed range from children’s sizes 11 & 12; women’s sizes up to 8; and men’s sizes up to 9.
Monetary donations can be made online via the Trinity website at Select “New Shoes–Back to School” in the dropdown menu.
When: Shoe collection is between now and Sunday, Sept. 3.
Where: Look for the collection table in the Welcome Center.
Apples for supplies for the Teachers of Oak Grove-Bellemeade Elementary School are ready to be picked! We want all of Trinity to have the opportunity to participate in this project, so we have in-person apples, digital apples and an Amazon Wishlist.
In-Person Apples If you worship in person at Trinity or are able to come to Trinity, we invite you to choose an in-person apple from the display boards in the Welcome Center at the church.
Digital Apples/Amazon Wish List If you are a member of our virtual congregation or are unable to get to Trinity in person, we hope you will select a digital apple or go the Amazon Wish List.
Delivering the Supplies If bringing the items to Trinity, please double bag them in paper bags with handles. Attach your apple or a list of items and grade level to the outside of the bag. Deliver to the rear of Trinity Hall by Sunday, August 13.
If having the items shipped, please have them delivered to Trinity UMC, 903 Forest Ave., Richmond, VA 23229 and marked “Oak Grove Supplies.” Items should be delivered by Friday, August 11.
Financial Donations If you would prefer to make a financial donation to the Apple Angel Tree, you can do this via check (memo “Oak Grove Apple Tree”) or via ACS (choose “Back to School Supplies”).
What is the Apple Angel Tree? Trinity has partnered with Oak Grove-Bellemeade Elementary School through the city-wide Micah Initiative for over 15 years. One of our most popular projects each year has been to provide much-needed school supplies. Over 50 Trinity families participate in this effort each year. During the Spring, we meet with the lead teachers for all grade levels at the school and come up with a list of items the teachers would like to receive for their classrooms. There are about 150 apples that can be “picked from our tree” for the upcoming school year.
If you have questions, please contact us! Thanks for your support!
Thanks to your financial tithing, and the good work of the Finance Committee and the Trustees, Trinity has an annual contract with a company to maintain our grounds.
However, being good financial stewards, we only contract for certain essential items to be completed each week.
Our grounds take up lots of space, and we have lots of areas that need to be properly maintained beyond the essentials in the contract. If you have your yard properly manicured at home, and you are looking for some more challenges, the Trinity grounds for you will be a good match.
The following areas will need attention during the summer months: Rock Pile Point, Mrs. M’s lot, Veteran’s Memorial Garden, Bicentennial Garden, the 7906 border, Stuart Hall Road green spaces, and assorted beds and borders. If you have an interest in helping to maintain our grounds, please contact Bill Pike.