It was a beautiful morning on Saturday to unload a tractor-trailer full of pumpkins! Many thanks to all of the volunteers who showed up to help – we were done unloading by noon! All ages helped out – this was truly an intergenerational event!
Our pumpkin patch is open through October 31; all proceeds go to support youth missions.
Last summer our youth took trips to Washington DC, to Copper Hill TN and to our own RVA to serve. The monies raised through last year’s pumpkin patch helped to offset the cost of these trips, providing a meaningful opportunity for fun, fellowship, service and faith formation among our youth.
To help sell pumpkins, sign up here.
Twenty-four persons enjoyed a trip to Monticello with Trinity’s Young at Heart group on Thursday, October 12. Although it was an overcast day with on and off sprinkles, a wonderful time was had by all! We came away with a greater admiration of Mr. Jefferson – the person he was, the inventions he crafted, and the amazing leader he was of our young country. What an intelligent man. We weren’t able to take pictures inside the house. A delicious lunch was enjoyed by all at the café on the premises, and a quick stop at Carter’s Mountain Orchard completed the fun-filled day. Young at Heart’s next program will be on Thursday, November 14 with Dr. Jerre Johnson presenting a program on the geology of Virginia. Come and bring a friend!
On Tuesday, October 24 members of Trinity went to Gayton Terrace for its quarterly celebration event. What was most significant in that gathering was when our Gayton Terrace coordinator Susie Hildebrand presented Vernon and Genevieve with a cake, celebrating their 75th wedding anniversary. Their anniversary is actually today, November 1. Vernon shared memories about their courtship and Genevieve continued to compliment her groom of 75 years. “He’s the best there is,” she said. “I wouldn’t be here now if it wasn’t for Vernon.” Hearing our celebration, members of the staff of Gayton Terrace came by to share their congratulations with Vernon and Genevieve as well. Many thanks to Susie Hildebrand for coordinating this celebration!
The Trinity Stitchers took their love to Lakewood Manor on October 24. While they were there they had lunch with Trinity member Evelyn Niedermayer, a member of the Stitchers. They presented Evelyn with a beautiful prayer shawl. They also presented Jean Hanner with a pillow to give to her husband Shep who is currently in rehab at Lakewood Manor. We are grateful for the ministry of the Trinity Stitchers – for the love and comfort they show so many persons both locally and far away.
At our JourneyGroup meeting on October 7 the Stitchers reported 53 lap quilts had been distributed so far this year; along with baby slings, walker bags, bags for UMCOR kit and prayer shawls. If your group has a sewing or material need, contact the Stitchers first before you buy anything; Janet Hill and Sandy Cain will be happy to help you. The Stitchers meet every third Thursday in Room 323; 9 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Bring your own lunch if you will be there through lunchtime. Feel free to come for part of the day as your schedule allows. All are welcome.
In this season of gratitude, we give thanks for Trinity Stitchers!
On Tuesday November 7th, a group of youth met at Trinity at 8 AM on their day of from school to
participate in an Election Day of Service at the Sacred Heart Center. This event was inspired by this summer’s Serve RVA. We went back to one of the organizations that we partnered with that week,
to continue in helping our community to grow.
The Sacred Heart Center describes themselves as an organization with, “to serve as a hub for Richmond’s Latino community that opens opportunities for economic and social integration, family success and community leadership.”
While we were there, we helped to repaint the murals along the walls in the staircase, sanded and painted a bench, as well as removing some outdoor debris that was cluttering part of their grounds. It was a great time of matching paint colors, chipping off gum, and breaking down wooden saw horses. Keep on the lookout for our next day of service on Martin Luther King Jr. day in January!
Want to help our youth? They are currently selling pumpkin pie kits and pumpkin butter! Contact Bryce Miller or one of our youth to place your order! In this season of gratitude, we are grateful for Trinity’s youth!
On Sunday, November 12, the annual Veterans Pancake Breakfast was held. This event sponsored by the Outreach Class was created for three reasons: to recognize our Trinity Veterans, to present a program about military service and experiences, and to use the proceeds from the event for community outreach. Our program this year focused on the Blue and Gold star organizations. Our presenters, Paige Bartholomew and Eileen Osmolski, each conveyed from the hearts of mothers how these organizations work and how each organization has helped them and other military families during times of deployment and loss. In the 16 years of staging this event many people have assisted in its development, but Trinity members, Mike Cross and John Henderson, have given outstanding leadership every year.