Thank you for your generous gifts to the Challenge Campaign! Still Thinking About Giving? It’s Not Too Late!
Over the past several months we have been running a Challenge Campaign to help offset the costs of the Rock Creek Road House project. That campaign is scheduled to close on Friday, September 30, 2016.
We are SO EXCITED to report that not only did we raise those funds, but we surpassed that goal, raising a total of $168,121.22 for the campaign thus far.
Despite raising the intended funds to offset the purchase price of the house, there will still be costs associated with preparing to use the Rock Creek Road property for the ministries of Trinity UMC. Thus, the campaign is still open. Anyone who feels called is still welcomed and encouraged to give to this project. Visit: and be sure to select Challenge Campaign to give.
We appreciate the generosity of those who have given to this project and those still considering a gift. God is so good. We look forward to the many ways this property will be used in the future.
Thank You, Trinity!
Want to learn more about our challenge campaign and the Rock Creek House project? Watch this short video to learn more.
Our Challenge Campaign comes from a generous offer from a Trinity member to match dollar for dollar all gifts received by September 30 up to half of the purchase amount of the 7916 Rock Creek Rd. property. (Trinity recently purchased the house, surrounded by our parking lot, as we have been seeking to do for 20 years.) That is to say, if we raise $150,000, they will give the other $150,000. Paying off the purchase will keep it from being a burden on our church budget and ministries. The matching gift is for actual donations (not pledges).
Checks may be made to Trinity UMC and designated “Challenge Campaign” on the memo line. Donations to this campaign can also be made via our online giving portal at and selecting the “Challenge gift” item.
June 21 marked our first summer Book Bus trip! We had 193 children visit the bus and take home books. A HUGE SUCCESS for our first trip of the summer!
Thanks to the many volunteers who showed up to help including Karen Adams, Bob Argabright, Dan Nichols, Mary York, Ellen Reaves, and Linda Geho!
The weather was hot, but we had no rain. There were lots of students at each of the four stops – Hillside Court, Minefee/Gunn Streets, Afton Apartments, and Jefferson Trace. Each student who borrowed books received a blue drawstring backpack with the Oak Grove READ logo.
The popular title books that Trinity provided this year through the Suhor Graham Grant were a big hit! There were no Captain Underpants, Diary of a Whimpy Kid, Dork Diary, Fancy Nancy, Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus, Henry & Mudge, Squish, or Harry Potter books left at the end of the day.
Dan helped children pick out appropriate books – a hot job on the bus with no air conditioning running! Bob helped the new CIS staff member working on growing parental involvement make contacts in the neighborhoods.
Teachers scoured the streets around each bus stop encouraging students to join the fun.
There were freeze pops, water bottles, gold fish and apples for snacks – and plenty of hugs as students and teachers reunited (after just a few days apart).
Thanks to Trinity United Methodist for purchasing copies of many of our popular title books and to River Road Church, Baptist for purchasing the snacks and water for our outings! We really appreciate the continued support of our Micah church partners.
The R.E.A.D. summer book bus runs on Tuesday nights from 4-7 PM. If you would like to sign up to help one week, please follow the link below & remember to sign up under volunteers: The weekly Tuesday Book Bus welcomes volunteers who contact CIS Site Coordinator Mary Valenza
Trinity has a number of children who follow Jesus teachings by committing to mission and service. A special group of these kids went one step further by committing to a four day three night Summer Mission Trip. On June 25 nine kids and four adults packed and headed east for mission, service, Bible Study, meal preparation, prayer, friendship and fun. After settling in a Virginia Wesleyan College dorm, we began preparing for the next few days. We chose and wrapped items that would be bingo prizes for our visit to Lydia Roper Home the next day. We also worked on decorating lunch bags for Potter’s House. Our first evening (and each evening to follow) ended with Bible study, prayer and watching part of a movie. Sunday we worshipped at Great Bridge UMC, picnicked and picked up trash in Locks Park, shopped for bulk items for Potter’s House & all the items needed to prepare a meal for Ronald McDonald House and played Bingo with the ladies at Lydia Roper Home. Monday we left early for Nimmo UMC Community garden, where we harvested (squash, zucchini and cucumbers), trimmed, weeded and got rid of bugs & insect eggs. We then headed to Potters House (at VA Beach UMC) with the produce we picked, where we packaged bulk items (rice, diapers, detergent) in small bags so they could be distributed to the homeless and needy that visit there. We spent a great afternoon at the beach, before heading back to VA Wesleyan to prepare a meal for Ronald McDonald House (tacos, guacamole dip, fruit salad and dirt pudding). Tuesday we packed, cleaned up, enjoyed a talent show put on by the kids and loaded for our trip home. On the way we visited and dropped off the meal at Ronald McDonald house in Norfolk and shared a well-deserved pizza meal at YNot. What an amazing trip!!
This Summer several Trinity Groups participated in the Summer Sunshine Project. These groups provided baskets of goodies to several community entities including:
Tuckahoe Volunteer Rescue Squad
Henrico Fire Station on Horsepen Road
Community Relations Department of Henrico Police
Ardent Craft Ales (where Trinity hosts Pub Theology each month)
Belmont Pizzeria (where the pizza for Pub Theology is purchased each month)
One participant wrote, “I delivered two grocery bags of goodies to Fire Station No. 10 on Horsepen. The two firefighters I spoke with were very appreciative and said to please share their gratitude with our group.”
“Summer Sunshine” was modeled after the “Lenten Love Project.” During the six weeks of Lent, small groups in our church visited Fire Station 8, the Tuckahoe YMCA, the Tuckahoe Library, the Tuckahoe Volunteer Rescue Squad, Henrico Doctors Hospital ER, CrossOver Ministries, and the Forest Hill Rescue Squad and Fire Department. The reception and interaction was amazing, and brought much joy to those who participated.
Teens, nowadays! It’s not a new phenomenon that adults are befuddled by the choices teens make. For example, twenty-one Trinity teenagers and seven chaperones recently spent a week of their summer vacation in Boston serving the poor, the hungry, the homeless and the mourning. They chopped onions for a feeding ministry, they moved boxes for a housing ministry, they visited with the homeless who wanted nothing more than a conversation, and engaged with people who had lost loved ones.
A typical day meant rising before dawn, driving 2 miles away for a shower, squeezing in a quick breakfast,
preparing for the day with a devotion, and (more…)
The following was sent in an email from Mary Valenza, Site Coordinator, Oak Grove-Bellemeade Elementary School, Communities In Schools of Richmond
Good evening dedicated Volunteers & Partners! I had the opportunity to spend a few hours at school today! I was greeted by the always positive Bob Argabright who has been doing a wonderful job managing food distribution this week, engaging families and students who visit and keeping order. Thank you, BOB for always going above and beyond to support the OGB community!!!
Today over 460 meals were distributed. Yesterday the total was over 630 and over 550 on Tuesday. Volunteers have been working hard and they come from all over- from our faith partners, from community partners, and from the school.
Distributions are also taking place in two of our school neighborhoods, Hillside Court and James River Villas. I feel confident that most of our families will be able to get what they need from one of the 3 local sites. My understanding is that Trinity UMC is collecting baby supplies which will be really helpful to our families! Today, RPS dropped off grade level packets for families to take home- they contain a bunch of great learning activities for students to keep busy.
Ms. Thomas and Ms. Kohler from our Kindergarten Team helped with food bags today! I loved hearing they ways they (and others) have connected with students and families while we are apart. I hope to share more on that soon!
There is still time to sign up to help with food distribution at OGBES or another school site- sign up here Thank you for what you are doing for our community and others. Be safe,
Mary Valenza Site Coordinator, Oak Grove-Bellemeade Elementary SchoolCommunities In Schools of Richmond