October was a big month for Trinity’s Young at Heart group. Twenty-three seniors headed to beautiful Charlottesville, VA where they visited historic Michie Tavern for lunch. After spending some time at Michie Tavern, the group headed to Carter Mountain Orchard to pick apples and enjoy the wonderful fall foliage.
On Sunday, October 23, the Young at Heart partnered with Trinity’s TYM (Trinity Youth Ministry) for Teen-Taught Technology. The middle and high school students took time to teach our seniors about their technological devices. Approximately 20 seniors brought their cell phones, iPads, and questions. Questions were answered and knowledge was shared!
One participant said, “Teen Taught Technology was a wonderful event – most importantly because it brought adults and youth together. The youth were patient with us “seniors” and they were able to answer all of our questions. What a great group of youth Trinity has! We also enjoyed fellowship over pizza – an added bonus! We need to do more events like this that brings generations together!”
Check out these Young at Heart photos:
[ngg_images source=”galleries” container_ids=”36″ display_type=”photocrati-nextgen_basic_thumbnails” override_thumbnail_settings=”0″ thumbnail_width=”240″ thumbnail_height=”160″ thumbnail_crop=”1″ images_per_page=”30″ number_of_columns=”0″ ajax_pagination=”0″ show_all_in_lightbox=”0″ use_imagebrowser_effect=”0″ show_slideshow_link=”1″ slideshow_link_text=”[Show slideshow]” order_by=”sortorder” order_direction=”ASC” returns=”included” maximum_entity_count=”500″]For more information about Young at Heart, visit our Young at Heart page.
For more information about TYM, visit our Youth Ministry page.
What began as a suggestion at a Town Hall meeting has become a significant ministry in the life of Trinity. The design team for Young at Heart, headed by Terri Royster and Nancy Kindervater, meets monthly to plan each month’s programs and events. One of the first goals of the Young at Heart Ministry was to offer events where people can get to know each other. That goal has been accomplished as we have traveled together, enjoyed meals together and have shared our personal interests and travels. Perhaps our most meaningful program was meeting with the youth of our church in October for a session on “Teen Taught Technology”. Our techno-savvy teens helped our seniors with their cell phone, iPad and computer questions. We enjoyed a pizza supper together afterwards.
We have also enjoyed a musical presentation by the Show Choir from Douglas Freeman High School, we have watched “War Room” and “Fireproof” on the big screen in Trinity Hall and we have traveled to Michie Tavern and to Tanglewood Ordinary (twice!).
Our events are open to everyone! Come join us – and bring a friend! Learn More
Twenty-four persons enjoyed a trip to Monticello with Trinity’s Young at Heart group on Thursday, October 12. Although it was an overcast day with on and off sprinkles, a wonderful time was had by all! We came away with a greater admiration of Mr. Jefferson – the person he was, the inventions he crafted, and the amazing leader he was of our young country. What an intelligent man. We weren’t able to take pictures inside the house. A delicious lunch was enjoyed by all at the café on the premises, and a quick stop at Carter’s Mountain Orchard completed the fun-filled day. Young at Heart’s next program will be on Thursday, November 14 with Dr. Jerre Johnson presenting a program on the geology of Virginia. Come and bring a friend!
Thanks to everyone who signed up to volunteer in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day with Reach Out RVA. Over thirty Trinity members gave of their time at Feed More, the Sherbourne Food Pantry, Doorways, the Community Food Collaborative, and Leaves Disappear.
At Feed More, ten volunteers packaged 1200 boxes of food items for malnourished seniors and 150 bags of food for furloughed federal employees. Ten more volunteers transported 103 bags of food to the Sherbourne Food Pantry. Once at the pantry these volunteers sorted and stocked the food items. A Trinity family plus friends worked at the Community Food Collaborative near Fairfield Middle School in Henrico County. General cleanup, pre-spring weeding of beds, and mulching took place at this garden.
Over at Doorways, a team of four removed, packed, and stored all of the Christmas items. Another team, a part of Leaves Disappear, assisted a young at heart family in clearing their yard of leaves. We appreciate the nonprofits who collaborated with us, and we thank all of the volunteers who gave of their time to make a difference.
On Thursday, February 14 Trinity Hall was filled with Valentine refreshments, candy hearts, Valentine balloons and flowers – and square dancers! We were treated to a program provided by Tuckahoe Square Dance Club. Dressed in their square dance finery, they entertained us with several square dances. Following the demonstration dances, members of the audience tried square dancing themselves. Good fun and fellowship was had by all!