Unstuck Consultation
(Note: Specific data and substance will be provided in a full report to the congregation later in the process. The following is attended merely as an update on what is happening and how the process is unfolding.)
Leadership Team: Sandy Berry, Ann Marie Blackmon, Gray Booker, Dave Clelland, Stephanie Ford, Melissa Holmes, Larry Lenow, Bryce Miller, Bill Pike, Becky Roish, Debbie Stocks, & Drew Willson
On Sunday, March 4, from noon until 4:00 PM our Team had our first meeting with Amy Anderson, Director of Consulting, The Unstuck Group. The meeting began with Amy introducing herself to us, giving us a snapshot of her spiritual and professional life. Our team also shared with Amy a bit about ourselves. After introductions, Amy pushed us to develop a modern timeline of Trinity. Our time frame was 1986 to the present. Using seven categories (Events, Ministries, Attendance, Those Reached, Staffing, Finances, other) we compiled a timeline to help us carefully capture the life of the church.
The next segment was titled Four Helpful Lists. Four questions related to the life of the church were the target: What’s right? What’s wrong? What is confusing? What is missing? Lists were compiled. Afterward each member was given four votes for which four items are most important. This lead to a culling to a short list of Core Issues. We did not deal with them, rather we identified them for future discussion.
Next Amy shared with us results of Vital Signs data Trinity had provided to the Unstuck Group and summarized them in the categories of Attendance Change; Ratio of Guests to Attenders; Change in Professions of Faith; Percentage of Attenders Serving; Ratio of Children to Attenders; Per Capita Giving. Based on this data, Amy identified Trinity’s position on the Church Life Cycle Bell Curve from the book The Unstuck Church by Tony Morgan (available in the Church office.)
From there, Amy gave us a brief snapshot of future meetings, and then she closed out with a prayer. Overall a successful afternoon, with a good template in place for our next meetings.
—Bill Pike & Larry Lenow
Unstuck Consultation
Sometimes in a facility like Trinity, it is difficult to see improvements in the building, but, here are a few items that have taken place over the last few months. A new roof has been installed over Trinity Hall and one section of the hallway area connecting the Sanctuary to the Children’s Education wing. Both of those roofs had outlived their expectancy. The new roof allowed us to improve the ceiling and lighting in Room 309. This summer the old ceiling in room 309 was torn out, a new drop ceiling was installed, and new LED lighting panels were put in place. Also, improvements have been made to the offices of the Kids Director and Modern Worship Leader. Finally, classrooms on the third floor of the Children’s Education wing have been decluttered, and whiteboards have been adapted to the former chalkboard spaces. We thank the congregation for their continued financial support which allows projects like the ones mentioned
to be completed.
From the Pastor, Unstuck Consultation
“Behold, I am making all things new.”
Rev. 22:5
Behold! Look out! Some exciting change is coming to Trinity. But, first a little background.
Over the past couple of years we have been doing some soul searching and critical examination of our ministries here at Trinity. We did a church consultation with the Unstuck Group. Some (many) of you have been understandably impatient asking, “Where’s the change?”
In truth, the change started over the last year. We have experienced a historic change and reconfiguring of our church staff. I want you to know that your ministry staff here at Trinity is now a fully committed team of self-starters. They are passionate about their faith and contagious in their enthusiasm in ministry! Last summer I explained to them the task before us, I made clear to them what is our mission and then simply asked, “What’s the best way to do this? Come up with a plan.” They immediately started working collaboratively and energetically, while giving themselves the moniker “Hung Su and friends”! I am so proud and pleased with them! Can you sense it?
Last Sunday, the staff presented our plans to the Church Council. It was enthusiastically received and unanimously endorsed. These plans will be executed beginning in January of 2020.
I’m sure you want to know what these plans are, of what they consist, and what will change. Don’t you worry, we will tell you. For now, this is meant to spark your interest and get you ready for answers to come. Please pay close attention to your email and in worship, as you will be hearing plenty of communication with lots of answers about some very important things in the coming weeks. Here, at Trinity, God is making all things new.
Pastor Larry
P.S. Trinity sends out an email every Wednesday afternoon with information about upcoming events. For some, this email may end up in your SPAM filter and may need to be whitelisted. This email comes from Trinity United Methodist Church news@trinityrva.net via mailchimpapp.net and usually has the subject line: “This Week at Trinity.” You can subscribe to manage your subscription to this email online anytime at trinityrva.net/emails-updates.