Thursday, December 10, 2020
Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?
Matthew 6:26
I know this verse is about shedding the emotion of worry. I also know that this verse assures us that our Father in Heaven will feed the birds, and also us. That being said, I’d like to look at this verse in a slightly different way this Advent season. You see, I am married to the Short Pump Bird Lady.
We have 10 bird feeders, one Hummingbird feeder, two Bluebird houses, and two bird baths. We also take our live Christmas tree outside after Christmas in case any birds need some shelter from cold winds or the snow. Looking through this lens, God does feed the birds, and so does Nellie.
God does indeed feed the birds, and could it be that He also put all of those bird people out there to help feed those same birds? You could say God’s hand is guiding Nell’s passion and devotion to her birds.
And God will guide us to help people. We have marching orders to help other people, right? Matthew 22 tells us to “Love your neighbor as yourself.” And it doesn’t matter if those people are Republican or Democrat, White or Black, Yellow Finch, Bluebird or Cardinal. We are commissioned to help everyone. So during this season, look for someone you can help. Helping people can ease their worry. Be a bird lady.
Chris Smith