Saturday, December 19, 2020
The true light that gives light to everyone was coming into the world.
John 1:9
At first glance, this photo could suggest that I was on a conference call conducting a presentation and accidentally stepped on a LEGO left behind from my 6-year-old. My facial expression can easily be associated with one in excruciating pain. However, this is my “joyful noise” face. The moment captured displays a person totally engulfed by gratefulness despite the current state of our nation during COVID and social unrest. I am grateful to have been given the opportunity to spread love with our amazing choir. In this picture I see hope. I also see the many faces that I have missed over the last 9 months. Trinity is so much more than a church to my family. This church is our light. It has guided us, warmed our hearts and renewed our spirits in the darkest of times.
The Gospel according to John solidifies the importance of “light.” John 1:9 teaches us that, “The true light that gives light to everyone was coming into the world.” In so many ways this scripture alone can serve as a foundation for Advent. John is preparing the world for the coming of The Renewal, The Ultimate Guide, our Savior Jesus Christ. Every year we join with loved ones to celebrate this joyous occasion by taking part in a lifelong tradition. Illuminations within the walls of our church shine bright and memories are created each year that carry us through the hard times. On Christmas Eve the white candle is lit last and symbolizes Jesus’ life in the simplest and purest way. It is our faith and love that we share amongst our congregation that gives us light throughout the year and prepares for His return.
Tae Lilly