Wednesday, December 23, 2020

The wolf will live with the lamb, the leopard will lie down with the goat, the calf and the lion and the yearling together; and a little child will lead them.

Isaiah 11:6
“The Peaceable Kingdom” by Edward Hicks image from

When I first looked at this painting, I immediately observed the children sitting amongst the animals, unafraid of the strong and fierce creatures, as well as the adults in the background taking notice of the event. As I read the scripture, I was drawn to the last few words which state: “and a little child will lead them.” The painting and scripture made me reflect on my experience as a child growing up at Trinity.

From an early age, I took part in Children’s Choir which included participating in the Children’s Christmas Pageant. I also was a member of “Joyful Noise,” the children’s hand chime program. I attended preschool at Trinity, went to weekly Sunday School classes, and always signed up for Vacation Bible School. Additionally, a cherished experience was serving in some capacity in the Children’s Worship Service each spring, and my favorite memory of that was having the opportunity to deliver a sermon.

Each of the experiences show how children are a major part of the congregation and worship experience at Trinity. I am also reminded of how in each of these events and experiences that

I had, there were adults and members of the congregation present, being led to church, worship, and faith experiences by the children of Trinity UMC. I am grateful for the many opportunities to grow in my faith as a child at Trinity, and I hope that in some small way as a child, I was able to lead people toward God.

Amelia Thompson