Dear Church,
As I’m sure you have already heard in the media, General Conference ended yesterday approving the Traditional Plan. This is an extremely contentious and painful time. It is not, however, the end of the story.
What I can say to you today is that at Trinity we will continue to be who we have been: followers of Jesus Christ, centered around Jesus Christ, striving to love ALL God’s children as Jesus Christ has commanded us.
I would ask two things of you. First, that you pray for our United Methodist Church. Secondly, please join us for a “GC Debrief” meeting after worship (noon, March 3) in the sanctuary. We will do our best to explain what has just happened, talk about it, and then reflect on what may come next.
In these times may God’s love be in us and flow through us.
Pastor Larry
General Conference Debrief (March 3, 2019)
After worship on Sunday, March 3, the Trinity community came together for a General Conference Debrief. That conversation can be seen below.