2024 Stewardship Campaign

Our theme for this year’s Stewardship Campaign is: Better Together. Inside you will find some of the many things about Trinity that inspire us to give. We hope that you will consider all the ways Trinity has inspired you as you think about making your 2024-2025 estimate of giving.

—Your 2024 Stewardship Committee

Celebration Luncheon date is coming soon

Better Together

Number of Estimate of Giving Cards Received


  • Percentage of card goal 75% 75%
  • Percentage of financial goal 70% 70%

What a joy it is to again reconnect as a church family! Together, we have welcomed new ministers, staff and members. Together, we have supported each other through challenging years. Together, we have remembered that God is good. Glory be to God that we can be together. For, indeed, we are Better Together!

Trinity is busy! Each of the wonderful ministry, mission, and other moments we do are because of your commitment to Trinity. It is time to build upon that commitment through our 2024-2025 Stewardship Campaign – Better Together!

Our campaign this year is about time, talents, and treasures, all things that we are gifted with. Our Estimate of Giving cards this year, therefore, reflect this and give you an opportunity to challenge yourself to give finances, time, and skills/passions. We look forward to all the ways we will be working better together!

2024 Campaign Goals

  • $1.4 million in total Estimate of Giving
  • Increase in giving units over current levels
  • 50% of all Estimates of Giving are either new or increased levels
Better Together

We know you may have questions. Hopefully we can begin answering them here.

Stewardship FAQ

Why is it important for me and/or my family to participate in the Stewardship Campaign?

The Stewardship Campaign is the way Trinity determines the financial support of the congregation. It is an essential part of Trinity’s budgeting process. With these estimates the Ministers, staff members and committees serving Trinity can best plan for the work of the church, whether internal or external.

How can particpating in the Stewardship Campaign help me grow as a Christian?

All that we have received are gifts from God. Stewardship (the act of giving joyfully back to God a portion of what He has given us) is just one of the many spiritual disciplines that enhance our lives as Christians as we better get to know God. Prayer is another spiritual discipline. Have you noticed that when you at a peak in your prayer life, you feel closer than ever to Jesus? God knows that the same thing works through stewardship. It is a way of drawing closer to Him

What are the goals for the 2024 Stewardship Campaign?

This year we are setting stretch, achievable goals.

  • $1.5 million in total Estimate of Giving, in complete support of our expected budget
  • Increase in giving units over current levels
  • 50% of all Estimates of Giving are either new or increased levels

These goals are ambitious but completely achievable by our generous membership. We need you to prayerfully consider your estimate of giving whether you are participating for the first time or increasing your giving to achieve this. We hope you will help us get there!

Yes, we know! The market is all over the place. We are emerging from a pandemic. There’s a lot going on! What is the state of the finances of Trinity?

It has been a hard few years. Last fiscal year, Trinity did end in a deficit. Budgeting for this year has been streamlined and trimmed to be as efficient as we can without sacrificing the ministries and programs we need to be who we are. This year, we are pleased to say that we are in good shape. While still projecting a potential deficit, thanks to your generosity, our receipts have exceeded our expectations.
Turning in an estimate of giving card helps the budgeting process be more accurate. And we need everyone working together to make Trinity what we are.

We just had a Capital Campaign. How does that impact the Stewardship Campaign? What’s the difference?

The recent capital campaign is to address specific facility upgrades and renovations. The Stewardship Campaign allows us to fund the day-to-day operations and ministries of Trinity. The two are totally separate, supporting different needs of the church. Both are important, and both together allow Trinity to be a great base of operations for our ministries in Richmond and beyond.

Part of Trinity’s general fund goes to apportionments. What are apportionments and why are they important to Trinity?

Simply put, apportionments are our fair share of the cost of doing ministry together with all other United Methodist Churches. All United Methodist Churches pay a portion of these shared costs, determined by a formula related to church budget and clergy compensation. Apportionments help fund clergy health care, campus ministries, clergy credentialing, communications, training events for clergy and laity, mission work in Virginia and the world, shared administrative costs (that the general church and conference have trimmed significantly in recent years), and much more. These are absolutely necessary, and we receive the benefits of these shared costs regularly.

Celebration Lunch date is coming soon!

Why We Give

Giving is a spiritual act. Through our financial support of the ministries of the church we put our faith into practice. Not only is this vital to underwrite and make possible the many ministries of the church, but for each of us it is a spiritual exercise. When we give we prioritize, we make decisions, and in a very tangible way we determine God’s place and importance in our lives.

The Biblical guideline is the tithe, or first fruits. It means that we dedicate to God the first 10% of our income. (Malachi 3:8-10.)

Step 1: If you are not regularly giving to the church, prayerfully make a commitment to begin by giving $5 per week ($20 per month), and return an Estimate of Giving Card

Step 2: Commit to increasing your giving by at least 1% as you move toward the goal of tithing, giving 10% of your income, and return an Estimate of Giving  Card.

Step 3: If you are giving the tithe, 10% of your income, thank you for your faithfulness. Please return your 2024 Estimate of Giving Card and prayerfully consider increasing your commitment by 1% – 3% to help your church take advantage of the opportunities before us.

Learn more about giving to Trinity on our GIVE page.

Potential Monthly Giving by Income

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To offer a recurring gift, use the Give Online button. To give a one-time-gift without an account, use the Give As a Guest button.

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