Thank you, Trinity, for your faithful generosity for the Mattaponi Healing Eagle Clinic. For our June 11, 2016 Clinic Day, we collected 12 boxes of assorted OTC medicines and supplies and $1,435 to help pay for their prescription medicines. They wouldn’t have the resources to continue their Clinic without our help. Know that our donations have made a difference in the lives of Native Americans in Virginia through the Clinic. A special thank you goes to Don Pierce for annually coordinating with the Friends of Barnabas which share some of their OTC medicines and supplies with the Clinic. Trinity is truly a community of faithful believers and disciples of Christ.
Trinity’s support of the Mattaponi Healing Eagle Clinic after a Trinity member Janet Sommerville attended the Mini-Christian Mission Encounter held in Trinity in September of 2008. She said, “I watched a cd about the native Americans in VA produced by the VA Conference. I was so moved by how they were treated here in VA that I said to myself I need to do something about them and the Clinic was a good start. So, we started with 2 Sunday school classes then expanded it to be an annual church wide mission initiative to date.”
If you wan to be a part of this ministry, you can volunteer to prepare lunch items for the Clinic volunteers; donate Over The Counter(OTC) medicines and medical supplies; donate money to help pay for their prescriptions (most native Americans do not have health insurance); volunteer to come with us and help in the delivery of the OTC medicines and medical supplies once a year during the summer.
You can donate anytime but we only deliver the goods once a year during the summer, as is usually the time of the year when they most need the help.