Our Mission: “To make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.”
Our strategy: “Connect to God. Grow in faith. Serve the world.”
Here at the church we often excel at using big words and bold statements, but too often we give scant attention to what they really mean. Our mission is to transform the world? Little old us? Are you kidding me? That mission is impossible, it is impossible for us, but as Gabriel mentioned to Mary, for God nothing is impossible! To make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world is our Mission Impossible.
As we start 2016, I’d like to spend the first three weeks reviewing and reminding ourselves of our mission, who we are and what it is that we are about. Mission: Impossible is the title of a three-week sermon series I will be preaching. It is important for us to stay focused and intentional. Some may feel that we already know this. Oh really? As is so often the case, there may be more than first appears: a little closer to home, a bit more personal, with greater implications.
Let’s find out together! Renewing our sense of mission, how better to start a new year?
Happy New Year!
Larry Lenow
[text_divider type=”single”]Mission: Impossible[/text_divider]
Jan. 3: Connect with God Matthew 2:1-12
Jan. 10: Grow in Faith Luke 3:14-17,21-22
Jan. 17: Serve the World Luke 4:14-21