April is here. April is hope. April nudges us away from the madness of March. That tussle between a departing winter and restless spring are on the horizon. This means, we inch further into Lent. Easter is closing in, and the annual Lenten Easter Mission Offering is hoping for your support.
For many years, the generous hearts of the Trinity congregation have financially sustained LEMO. These acts of financial kindness have supported nonprofits in our city, state, country, and world.
This scripture from John 14:27: “Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid,” make me think about the people in our community. For lots of different reasons, we know there are troubled and fearful hearts all around us.
Donating to LEMO can help reduce the stress experienced by troubled and fearful hearts.
We hope you will prayerfully consider donating.
When you do, it’s a win for two hearts—the giver and the receiver.
GIVE to the Lenten Easter Mission Offering
Give to the Lenten Easter Mission Offering via our GIVE page. Be sure to select the LEMO from the dropdown menu!
Apply for a LEMO Grant
Apply for a Lenten Easter Mission Offering Grant. Applications are due June 12.