“Gift of Hope” Concert & Partnership with Santa Ana Ceguaca, Honduras: January 6, 2018
On one of the coldest nights of the year, Saturday January 6, church members of all ages and other guests from the community arrived at Trinity and entered a dimly lit sanctuary warmly adorned with the lighted Chrismon tree and Christmas wreaths to hear what has been described as “one of the best concerts ever held at Trinity.” The sanctuary was nearly filled to capacity as three renowned tenors – Tracey Welborn, James Taylor and Pablo Talamante — accompanied by our own Charles Staples on piano, performed a mix of music genres to the delight of all. To celebrate Epiphany and provide time for fellowship, Three Kings’ Cake and Honduran-style hot chocolate were served in the festively decorated Welcome Center after the concert.
The evening was planned to celebrate Trinity’s newest mission outreach: participation in Friends of Barnabas’ Partnership Program with the impoverished community of Santa Ana Ceguaca located in the remote, mountains of central Honduras. In addition to Trinity’s Mountain Medical Team visiting this community on their annual mission trips, our congregation’s annual financial support of $3,250 will enable enhanced services for the community, such as quarterly nurse visits to provide education on environmental, reproductive, and women’s health issues; and training of community leaders who in turn will teach community members how be healthier and ultimately become more self-sufficient.
Updates of ongoing activities will be posted on the bulletin board dedicated to this exiting partnership with Santa Ana that will be located near the church offices. “Muchas gracias” to everyone who participated for your most generous support of the “Gift of Hope” Concert and the
Partnership Program! Together we will “make the world a little better “ by improving the lives of our brothers and sisters in Christ who live in Santa Ana Ceguaca.
–Louise Girvin