Dear Friends,
Here’s the latest news here at Trinity:
- Holy Communion. We will begin celebrating the Sacrament of Holy Communion on September 13. No, that isn’t the first Sunday of the month, but it is our traditional Fall Kickoff so it seemed appropriate. Briefly, how this will happen is that instead of walking down the aisle to receive, you drive to the church immediately following the regular livestream service to receive. You will have one hour to get here. (For more detailed instructions, please watch the video.) Personally, this has been one of the hardest parts of social distancing and virtual worship for me, so while our plan is not ideal, I am none the less giving God thanks for it! LEARN MORE
- Blood Drive. We are hosting the American Red Cross for a Blood Drive on Thursday, September 10. All blood donations are given antibody tests, so in the process of donating you can find out if you may have already had Covid-19. It’s not the reason we give blood, but not a bad thing either. May I point out that the first event and groups meeting at Trinity is the Blood Drive and our Twelve Step Groups (AA, Al-Anon, NA) respectively. I think this says something about our church. We are here to minister to the community. This is who and what Trinity has always been. SIGN UP
- Small Groups. Small groups are meeting at Trinity. Right now, the focus is outside, and scheduling is limited. (Sanitizing in addition to cleaning is a huge responsibility for our custodial staff. The limitations that puts on us may not be immediately obvious to you, but trust me, they are doing a great job! We have to be careful of how much we stretch them.) LEARN MORE
- Preschool. Trinity Preschool opens this month to a very different year with some very different rules. Please hold the Preschool, our Director Katie Swartz, the staff and teachers and, of course, the kids in your daily prayers.
- Dillard Forum. Our 2020 Dillard Forum will feature Rev. Ben Campbell, author of Richmond’s Unhealed History, Executive Director emeritus of Richmond Hill Retreat Center, and Pastoral Assistant of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church. How critical it is to know our own history in order to comprehend and deal with current events. Ben will preach at our Sunday, October 11 worship and the Forum will be Sunday-Tuesday, October 11-13 at 7:00 PM (livestream). Mark your calendars, this promises to be quite an event!
In addition, the church staff and I are already putting a lot of time and energy envisioning Advent 2020. Wow, I’m a little tired just writing this update! The work of proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ, and the building up of Christ’s Church does not stop! In fact, it hasn’t even slowed down. Please know that while we are apart, we are not alone!