What is it? New Shoes for Back to School is a ministry providing new shoes to K-12 Title 1 schoolchildren in underserved communities in the metro Richmond area.

Who does it? Trinity participates along with 10 other churches and one synagogue.

What’s needed? Each church is responsible for providing 50 pairs of shoes to three schools for a total of 150 shoes. This year all of Trinity’s schools are elementary: Montrose, Bensley and Dumbarton.

Call to action:

  • Please consider donating a pair of new shoes to this ministry. Sizes needed range from children’s sizes 11 & 12; women’s sizes up to 8; and men’s sizes up to 9.
  • Monetary donations can be made online via the Trinity website at www.trinityrva.net/give. Select “New Shoes–Back to School” in the dropdown menu.

When: Shoe collection is between now and Sunday, Sept. 3.

Where: Look for the collection table in the Welcome Center.

For more information, contact us!