

Caring for our neighbors

At Trinity we serve our neighbors both in our community and around the world.

2019 Trinity Logo- Circle

Serve at Trinity  as an usher, greeter, Scripture reader, or acolyte. Serve in our music ministry in the choir or with the modern worship team. Serve on our tech team and help with our livestream. Serve with our kids or students. There are many ways to serve at Trinity! 

Serve Locally with our partner organizations like the Sherbourne Food Pantry, UMFS, Feed More, Oak Grove-Bellemeade School, Bellemeade Park, the Kids Club at Central UMC, Shalom Farms, CrossOver Health Ministry, CARITAS, ACTS, PACE/VCU, Camp Rainbow, Westview on the James, Home Again, New Shoes for Back to School and more.

Serve Domestically with mission trips to provide relief after disasters with UMCOR and UMVIM or via student summer mission trips.



Serve Internationally with our mission partners in Honduras with the Friends of Barnabas and with the Swahili/French language ministry.

Friday Collections:

Trinity collects food items each Friday from 9:00 AM-2:00 PM

Between March and December of 2020, the people of Trinity donated more than 2,000 bags of food to our partner organizations and food banks. By the end of 2021 our food donation total was 5,092 bags!

Will you help Trinity help our neighbors by participating in the Friday Food Collection?

Food Needs for Sherbourne:
Cereal, Soup, Peanut Butter, Jelly, Canned Fruit, Crackers, Canned Chicken, & Canned Vegetables, Spaghetti Sauce, Canned or Dried Beans, Mac & Cheese

Food Needs for Welborne:
Cereal, soup, peanut butter, and jelly.

Food Needs for Belmont:
Oatmeal, pasta, rice, and dried beans.


box of food

Bags of Food Collected

A video message about this week’s collection

(You can also view other collection videos here!)

How We’ve Served

When the pandemic began we started our Friday Collections (learn more about those above). We started with collecting food and have since added other community partnerships into the mix. Below you will find our running tally of items collected and given to our neighbors during these difficult times. Thank you, Trinity, for all you have given and continue to give. 


Bags of School Supplies

red shoes

Pairs of Shoes

Thank you for your generosity! Our Friday collections continue to benefit our neighbors.

During this time of COVID-19, we have shared your gifts with the Welborne UMC Food Pantry, the Saturday Literacy Academy at Oak Grove-Bellemeade Elementary School, the Sherbourne Food Pantry, and FeedMore.

Annual Conference Donations

Trinity joined others across the Richmond District and churches across Virginia in collecting items as part of the Kits & Cans day at Annual Conference on June 19.


Boxes of Pencils

Cans/Bags of Beans

Special thanks to Circles 11, 10 and 5 for the box of poppers and: 

Candy Canes

Boxes of Crayons

Coloring Books

Special Thanksgiving Donations and Collections

Thanksgiving Bags

For Oak-Grove Bellemeade Families.

$50 Gift Cards

For Henrico Social Services.

bags of food


Prayer Squares 


Ear Protectors  

Trinity’s Stitchers have been hard at work using their skills to care for others. They’ve been making masks firsts for employees of a plant in Hopewell and then for families, friends, and for Trinity.

They’ve also been making prayer squares for those working and for patients in local hospitals.

They are also now making headbands with buttons to help relieve mask pressure on ears.



Our Trinity Stitchers are at it again! This time they delivered 24 handmade stockings filled with goodies to the Hermitage Richmond
The stockings included Chex mix, a small cake, tissues, candy, toothpaste, toothbrush, socks, an Advent book, crackers, and an elf.
Thanks for your ministry, Trinity Stitchers!
three handmade stockings with elves inside

Trinity in Service

Reach Out RVA Recap

Reach Out RVA - the BEST thing Trinity has EVER done! Many thanks to all of those who served this weekend at Reach Out RVA!!! Special appreciation to those who served as team leaders – Karen Adams, Rob Spotts, Anne Burch, Bill Burch, Linda Latimer, Bob Argabright,...

Starting With Service

Trinity "kicked off" the fall in service to others. We came together over multiple weeks during the frenzy of back-to-school season to serve our city and care for our community. Our serving began all the way back at Vacation Bible School in July, as our kids collected...

Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service

Thanks to everyone who signed up to volunteer in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day with Reach Out RVA. Over thirty Trinity members gave of their time at Feed More, the Sherbourne Food Pantry, Doorways, the Community Food Collaborative, and Leaves Disappear. At Feed...