Serve Locally

Our Trinity IN Richmond program connects Trinity with the local community through ministries of service, advocacy, and presence. For information about how to get involved, please contact Rev. Drew Willson, Associate Pastor, 804-288-6057 ext. 205.

Called Up!
The mission of Called Up! is to connect teenagers who previously attended Oak Grove-Bellemeade Elementary School with opportunities to serve others.

CARITAS (Congregations Around Richmond Involved To Assure Shelter)


For two weeks each spring, Trinity hosts God’s children in need of shelter. Opportunities for service include joining others to prepare and serve a meal, visiting with our guests, and helping with laundry.

Central UMC Kids’ Club and Teen Group
We support these ministries by providing dinner on Sunday afternoons as well as a ministry of presence.

CrossOver Healthcare Ministry
Our members serve at CrossOver, a free healthcare clinic with two locations in Metropolitan Richmond that provides services to thousands of patients each year.

Micah Initiative at Oak Grove-Bellemeade Elementary School
The Micah Initiative is a partnership program between faith communities in Metropolitan Richmond and Richmond Public Schools. Our members are engaged in a myriad of ways at Oak Grove-Bellemeade Elementary School, ranging from those who volunteer at the school multiple times each week to others who may help on a monthly or annual basis.

Oak Grove-Bellemeade Community
We engage in ministries of advocacy and presence with the residents and leaders of the Oak Grove-Bellemeade community.

Shalom Farms
On the second Saturday of each month, volunteers of all ages spend the morning at work on the farm in order to provide fresh produce to low-income neighborhoods in Richmond.

Sherbourne UMC Food Pantry
We emphasize food collection on Communion Sundays (the first Sunday of each month) to support this ministry. Donations of non-perishable food items can be delivered to Mission Central.

Our members serve and partner with the UMFS community.