Save the date: March 14 from 3 – 4 pm
Trinity invites you to “Share the Love” at a drive-thru event on March 14. The season of Lent calls us to a time of self-examination and repentance as we remember what God has done for us, who we are, and what we are called to do. Share the Love will reflect the willingness of our hearts to share the message of Love – God’s Love.
Thanks to all who participated in the Share the Love event!
See photos from the event on our Facebook page!
This creative and contactless way of engagement will be a time of fellowship and joy in response to the many missed personal experiences resulting from the pandemic. The format of the Share the Love event is similar to drive-up communion. Cars should enter through Rock Creek Rd entrance and exit via Stuart Hall Rd. There will be stations along the drive near the Welcome Center:
Get: Bunch of love goodie bags (Station 1)
Give: Canned goods drop off (Station 2)
Give/Get: Share the Love Cards* (Station 3)
Get: Blessing by the pastors (Station 4)
*Share The Love Card:
Each family is encouraged to write one generic note to another Trinity individual/couple/family. Bring the note with you to drop off and we will give to the family behind you in line.
Writing prompt: Describe a way you have shared Love with others and/or how others have shared Love with you and your family through the pandemic. Feel free to add a prayer request or share an inspirational Bible verse or quote that has helped you through the past year. Sign the card with the names of those in your family/household. Include contact information if you would like the opportunity to receive communication from the recipient. If you are a family with children, we would love for kids to draw/color a picture to include with the family note.
As you give your note to another family, you in turn will receive the note left from the car before you.
We are looking forward to sharing the love with our Trinity family! Hope to see you there.