During the weekend of November 12-14 Trinity Students hosted a Fall Retreat at Westview on the James in Goochland. 

Thank you to all those who made this retreat possible through providing meals, leadership and the many ways you make youth at Trinity feel welcomed and a part of our church family. 

Here’s what some of our youth had to say about their experience on Fall Retreat: 

“Well this is my first retreat and it has been everything I needed to know about my life in 2 days. I feel I
have certainly grown stronger to God and have obtained a stronger relationship with God and my peers. I
hope to keep growing a stronger relationship with everyone in the church community and with God. This
weekend has been everything I needed. Thank you for sending us here and I hope to come on more retreats
in the future.”

“God has reminded me this weekend that I am not junk. I was created in the hands of a magnificent Creator
with purpose and with love. The God of love doesn’t compare me to anyone else. He has a seat for me at his
table with my name on it. My worth isn’t determined by my grades, beauty, talents, gifts that God I know
loves me beyond measure. This weekend is just what my heart, soul and spirit needed.”

“This weekend has actually been incredibly moving and special because of what we’ve talked about. I have
actually been struggling with some serious comparison problems about my body recently and the topics we
covered were really heartwarming and relieving. The fact that I’m not alone and that God has a different
standard of measurement is so moving for me and it has helped me switch my mindset some. I definitely
look at myself through a self-loathing point of view sometimes and learning about humility and how I
should replace those self-loving thoughts with thoughts that have humility really got me thinking about
how I can change the way I see myself through God.”

God is working in the lives of our youth here at Trinity UMC. Praise God!
Thank you for all the ways you support and encourage Trinity Students!