This Summer several Trinity Groups participated in the Summer Sunshine Project. These groups provided baskets of goodies to several community entities including:
- Tuckahoe Volunteer Rescue Squad
- Henrico Fire Station on Horsepen Road
- Community Relations Department of Henrico Police
- Ardent Craft Ales (where Trinity hosts Pub Theology each month)
- Belmont Pizzeria (where the pizza for Pub Theology is purchased each month)
One participant wrote, “I delivered two grocery bags of goodies to Fire Station No. 10 on Horsepen. The two firefighters I spoke with were very appreciative and said to please share their gratitude with our group.”
“Summer Sunshine” was modeled after the “Lenten Love Project.” During the six weeks of Lent, small groups in our church visited Fire Station 8, the Tuckahoe YMCA, the Tuckahoe Library, the Tuckahoe Volunteer Rescue Squad, Henrico Doctors Hospital ER, CrossOver Ministries, and the Forest Hill Rescue Squad and Fire Department. The reception and interaction was amazing, and brought much joy to those who participated.