Serve with Trinity’s A/V Team
Does technology interest you? Are you looking for a practical way to make a difference?
Do you want to help Trinity thrive? Please consider joining our Audio/Visual Technology Team (A/V Team).
Our live sound and video technology has advanced considerably in the past year, taking on a more central role in our worship ministry. Accordingly, a new and urgent need to build a strong team of volunteers to operate our sound and video equipment in worship has presented itself.
There are three distinct roles to play on the A/V Team during a Sunday service:
• Sound Tech (operates soundboard)
• Video Tech (operates cameras and video switcher)
• Visual Tech (operates the slideshow and cues videos and other media from the computer)
Tech-savvy individuals—with or without A/V experience—please consider joining this unique ministry team. All necessary training will be provided, and a flexible scheduling rotation will be implemented.
To volunteer or to learn more, please email Aaron Miller (