The Trinity Stitchers took their love to Lakewood Manor on October 24. While they were there they had lunch with Trinity member Evelyn Niedermayer, a member of the Stitchers. They presented Evelyn with a beautiful prayer shawl. They also presented Jean Hanner with a pillow to give to her husband Shep who is currently in rehab at Lakewood Manor. We are grateful for the ministry of the Trinity Stitchers – for the love and comfort they show so many persons both locally and far away.
At our JourneyGroup meeting on October 7 the Stitchers reported 53 lap quilts had been distributed so far this year; along with baby slings, walker bags, bags for UMCOR kit and prayer shawls. If your group has a sewing or material need, contact the Stitchers first before you buy anything; Janet Hill and Sandy Cain will be happy to help you. The Stitchers meet every third Thursday in Room 323; 9 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Bring your own lunch if you will be there through lunchtime. Feel free to come for part of the day as your schedule allows. All are welcome.
In this season of gratitude, we give thanks for Trinity Stitchers!