What an awesome July week at SHIPWRECKED, Jesus Rescues Vacation Bible School!!! 197 kids participated and around 100 youth and adult helpers served. Thanks so much to all parents for bringing their kids and the volunteers for making it such a special week! It was so awesome to see all the smiling faces moving through the decorated hallways each day and knowing that each child had the opportunity to learn about the love of God and that Jesus is always with them.
A huge amount of Items for Oakgrove School, Sherbourne UMC Food Pantry, Honduras, and Richmond Animal League were brought in by the kids. In addition the 4th & 5th graders served by creating plastic mats for the homeless and working with Trinity’s youth at Richmond Community Hospital. In addition to the items brought in, VBS collected almost $1000 to go toward special mission projects.
Here are a few comments from volunteers who help with VBS:
Great job! So well organized
Loved the music!
I love having a different color to wear each day.
4th/5th grade group liked their field trip and community project.
Children enjoyed the music and imagination station the best.
The children were engaged and really enjoyed learning new songs and seeing the short video clips.
Every station we went to was prepared, and the leaders kept the kids engaged for the entire time. It was really wonderful.
I really liked the addition of the Kid Vid Cinema.
Thank you to all the volunteers who helped make VBS an amazing week!
With Joy,
Director of Children’s Ministry