This week Trinity responded to an urgent call from the Richmond District Office asking if we could house a team of volunteers from Team Rubicon.  Team Rubicon ( is an international non-profit disaster response organization that unites the skills and experiences of military veterans with first responders to rapidly deploy emerging response teams.  Team Rubicon currently maintains a roster of 130,000+ volunteers.

Team Rubicon is currently coordinating with the Department of State, the Department of Defense, and other organizations to meet the humanitarian need in the Afghan Refugee Resettlement effort.  Their teams are supporting logistics, the management, and distribution of donated goods at participating bases across the country including Ft. Pickett and Quantico.  The teams staying at Trinity will be expanding the effort to Ft. Lee by processing donated goods at the Salvation Army Warehouse (the old J.C. Penny at Regency Square.)  Teams will be housed in Trinity Hall, Oct. 15-31.

Bill Pike spends time with a Team Rubicon leader to help Trinity understand a bit more about our guests.

Thank you to all who prepared meals or helped make Team Rubicon feel at home while staying at Trinity.