What began as a suggestion at a Town Hall meeting has become a significant ministry in the life of Trinity. The design team for Young at Heart, headed by Terri Royster and Nancy Kindervater, meets monthly to plan each month’s programs and events. One of the first goals of the Young at Heart Ministry was to offer events where people can get to know each other. That goal has been accomplished as we have traveled together, enjoyed meals together and have shared our personal interests and travels. Perhaps our most meaningful program was meeting with the youth of our church in October for a session on “Teen Taught Technology”. Our techno-savvy teens helped our seniors with their cell phone, iPad and computer questions. We enjoyed a pizza supper together afterwards.
We have also enjoyed a musical presentation by the Show Choir from Douglas Freeman High School, we have watched “War Room” and “Fireproof” on the big screen in Trinity Hall and we have traveled to Michie Tavern and to Tanglewood Ordinary (twice!).
Our events are open to everyone! Come join us – and bring a friend! Learn More