Holy Week Stones

Holy Week Stones

Holy Week Stones is a family devotional/activity kit that your family can use during Holy Week or any time during the Lent season. This kit includes 8 devotions for you to use each day of Holy Week. Each devotion also includes a painted stone activity for you to complete.

How does this kit work?
On each day, read the devotion for the day, discuss, and then paint and set out the corresponding stone. You can display the stones on your dinner table, fireplace, or even outside by the mailbox. These stones will serve as reminders of the last week of Jesus’ life on earth.

Please sign up here if you would like a Holy Week Stones kit: https://tinyurl.com/5n8dwm4n

They will be available to pick up in mid-March!

Spring Fest

Spring Fest

On Sunday, April 14 from 3-5 PM, Trinity will hold our Spring Fest event.

It’s been a long winter and we are excited about SPRING. To celebrate the start of a new season and to gather together for a day of celebration, we are excited to offer Spring Fest on April 14.

Spring Fest is designed with families in mind, but is open to anyone who wants to come and enjoy food, fun, and fellowship!

Ultimate Easter Hunt

Ultimate Easter Hunt

Join us on Sunday, March 19 at 10am in room 300 for The Ultimate Easter Hunt Family Discipleship Event!

Note: This will take the place of kids discipleship programming at 10am although the nursery for those 3 and under will still be open.

Families will rotate through six different stations with hands-on activities that will help them understand the true meaning of Easter.

Although this hunt is NOT for Easter eggs, we will conclude with kids decorating an Easter egg cookie to enjoy as they reflect upon the true meaning of Easter!



Our 2023 Stewardship campaign, Better Together, runs from February 26 through March 19. Our celebration lunch will be April 23.

What a joy it is to again reconnect as a church family! Together, we have welcomed new ministers, staff and members. Together, we have supported each other through challenging years. Together, we have remembered that God is good. Glory be to God that we can be together. For, indeed, we are Better Together!

Shrove Tuesday with Pancake Supper

Shrove Tuesday with Pancake Supper

Thanks to Trinity’s Outreach Class, Trinity will offer a Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper on Tuesday, February 21, from 5:30 – 7 PM in Trinity Hall. Persons can come and go as their schedule allows. A love offering will be taken to help offset costs, any additional will go towards Lenten Easter Mission Offering. .

Now that we got your attention with pancakes, you may be asking

“What is Shrove Tuesday?”

Shrove Tuesday is the traditional feast day before the start of Lent, a day of celebration as well as penitence. Lent is the 40 days leading up to Easter. Lent is a time of abstinence, of giving things up. So Shrove Tuesday is the last chance to indulge yourself, and to use up the foods that aren’t allowed in Lent. Giving up foods: but not wasting them.

In the old days there were many foods that observant Christians would not eat during Lent: foods such as meat and fish, fats, eggs, and milky foods. So that no food was wasted, families would have a feast on the shriving Tuesday, and eat up all the foods that wouldn’t last the forty days of Lent without going off.

The need to eat up the fats gave rise to the French name Mardi Gras; meaning “Fat Tuesday”. Pancakes became associated with Shrove Tuesday as they were a dish that could use up all the eggs, fats and milk in the house with just the addition of flour.

Now you know!

We hope you will join us on February 21 as we celebrate Shrove Tuesday!!

Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday

Wear the ancient sign of your faith all day: between 7:30-8:30 AM on Ash Wednesday, February 14, come by
Trinity’s front doors to receive ashes on your forehead, no need to even get out of your car! Pastors Brian and Judy will be outside and out front on Trinity’s front steps bestowing ashes, and blessings for anyone who stops by.

Start your Lenten journey this year with this fresh expression of faithfulness. See you bright and early!

The Chapel will be available all day for anyone who would like to say a prayer and receive ashes. We will then continue with a worship service in the sanctuary at 7:00 PM, which will include the imposition of ashes. The 7:00 service will also be livestreamed.