Welcome to Trinity
All are welcome here
903 Forest Ave | Henrico, VA 23229
Worship with Trinity on Sundays at 9:00 AM and 11:00 AM.
New Website
Trinity has a new website.This site is maintained for archival purposes only. Please click to go to the new website www.trinityumc.net
Plan your visit
Never been to Trinity?
Never even been to church?
No Problem.
We are ready and excited to meet you. We have three worship services each Sunday morning. Learn more about those services and about what to expect at Trinity here.
Our Missions and Ministries
Trinity is a vibrant community. We have opportunites to serve and opportunities for community. Find out more about our Missions and Ministries.
Trinity Kids
Birth – 5th Grade
Trinity Students
6th-12th grade students
Small Groups
Connect with others in a small group setting.
Serve in your community and in our world!
Opportunities to grow and learn
Worship at Trinity
We worship every Sunday at 9:00 AM and 11:00 AM. Each service is also live-streamed.
Modern Service
Sundays at 9:00 AM
Our Modern Service at 9:00 is a joyful, energetic experience that combines the ancient with the modern. Music is led by a praise team using modern worship songs.
Kids worship in Kids Church in the chapel during the service.
Traditional Service
Sundays at 11:00 AM
Our Traditional Service at 11:00 is a traditional liturgical service with enhanced musical offerings. Music is led by organ and choir, often using traditional hymns.
News and Information
Dillard Monday Study Group
This fall the Dillard Bible Study Group will be discussing Israel: Mission Impossible, Part One by Dr. James P. McCullough, Jr. A study in three parts of the early history of Israel and the Prophets, the divided kingdom and Jeremiah. Starting September 12 we will meet...
Transit is designed for kids in 4th and 5th grades, and takes place at the church from 5-6:30pm. A typical evening includes dinner, games, activities and a short devotion. Transit's goal is to provide a place for kids in this age group to connect with their peers...
Serve with Trinity’s A/V Team Does technology interest you? Are you looking for a practical way to make a difference?Do you want to help Trinity thrive? Please consider joining our Audio/Visual Technology Team (A/V Team).Our live sound and video technology has...
Got Rhythm?
Music in Modern Worship at Trinity If you sing or play a musical instrument; if you love great music, both ancient and modern; if you appreciate timeless hymns and spiritual songs as well as fresh expressions of worship and song; your spirit might just find a musical...
Yardwork is Good for Our Souls
Thanks to your financial tithing, and the good work of the Finance Committee and the Trustees, Trinity has an annual contract with a company to maintain our grounds. However, being good financial stewards, we only contract for certain essential items to be completed...
Using the YouTube TV App
Do you have a smart TV? If so, you may want to experiment with using the YouTube App to worship with Trinity. As part of our commitment to improving the livestream experience, we have changed streaming providers and we are now officially broadcasting to YouTube on...